School LAND Trust

Looking at Canyon Lands, Utah, through an arch

PC: Julie Jordan

What Are Utah Trust Lands?

Trust lands are parcels of land throughout our state that were granted by Congress to Utah at the time of statehood. Trust lands were allocated specifically to generate revenue to support designated state institutions, including public schools, hospitals, teaching colleges, and universities. Unlike public lands, trust lands are parcels of land held in trust to support 12 state institutions, schools, but also state hospitals, teaching colleges, and universities. While 67 percent of Utah is held in public domain, only about six percent of the state’s acreage is set aside as trust lands.

how are Utah Trust Lands Used?

  • Revenue from management and development of school trust lands is deposited into the Permanent School Fund.
  • The Fund is invested, and annual interest and dividends are distributed to public schools.
  • Each School Community Council determines the greatest needs at its school and allocates the funds accordingly.


SUCCESS Academy elections are held in the Spring. Please look for more information as we near that time if you are interested.  Any parent may apply and we encourage anyone who is interested to please do so.

Where can I find more information?

Suu SUccess Academy Land Trust plan 2024-2025

Goal 1

Improve Student grade in problem area by one level by end of year. 75% of students will improve by one grade level or maintain improvement if continuing working with a personal tutor.

Goal 2

Have 20 or more different students attend multiple ACT prep sessions who did not meet benchmark on ACT Send out weekly scholarship information for students to be able to apply for and receive relevant scholarships

Goal 3

75% of students who complete summer math, including online ALEKS support, and continue to SUCCESS will demonstrate proficiency on the MAP test.

Goal 4

Students will improve their ACT Score from Freshman to Junior year by an average of 5 points. By increasing familiarity and measuring yearly progress on the ACT, students will increase ability to score well, teachers will be better able to target learning goals, and overall scores will increase in the school.

Goal 5

New math books and digital access to them for students will increase students' proficiency and increase average Math ASPIRE & ACT scores by 1%.

Current Land Trust Members

Member NameEmailRole
Gavin Hawkley[email protected]Principal
Michelle Brunson

[email protected]

Alayna Stein[email protected]Vice Chair
Mackenzie Stratton[email protected]School Representative
Kimberly McCollum[email protected]School Representative
Heather Brand[email protected]Parent
Dwight Lane[email protected]Parent
Lisa Gomes[email protected]Parent
Derek Peterson[email protected]Parent

When are The Meetings?

Meetings are held at SUU SUCCESS Academy in Room 210B.

Proposed meeting schedule 2024 – 2025: 

  • Wednesday, February 19 at 11:00 am
  • Wednesday, January 15 at 11:00 am
  • Wednesday, September 11 at 11:00 am
Past meetings: 
  • March 5, 2024
  • January 16, 2024
  • September 23, 2023
  • January 23, 2023
  • September 26, 2022
  • March 23, 2022

Meeting Minutes and agendas

SLT Plan Information