School fees may be paid in the office with cash or check, or fees can be paid online by clicking the button below and filling out the online form. Fees by grade are listed below, and additional fees may be incurred as described below, and could also include optional activities, competitions, field trips, shirts, etc. Fees and fee waivers are described below.
Pay your SUU SUCCESS Academy Fees Online
Clicking the links above will take you to another website, Instant Payments.
Convenience fee of $0.49 if paid by online check
Convenience fee of 3% plus $0.50 if paid by credit card
SUU SUCCESS Academy Fees by grade
- Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee – $30
- Academic Support / Program Fee – $30
- Technology Fee – $35
- Curricular Activities and Field Trips Fee – $35
- Total Per Student Maximum SUCCESS Academy Fees – $130
- Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee – $30
- Academic Support / Program Fee – $30
- Technology Fee – $35
- Curricular Activities and Field Trips Fee – $35
- Total Per Student Maximum SUCCESS Academy Fees – $130
- Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee – $0*
- Academic Support / Program Fee – $0*
- Technology Fee – $35
- Curricular Activities and Field Trips Fee – $35
- Total Per Student Maximum SUCCESS Academy Fees – $70
- Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee – $0*
- Academic Support / Program Fee – $0*
- Technology Fee – $35
- Curricular Activities and Field Trips Fee – $35
- Total Per Student Maximum SUCCESS Academy Fees – $70
Description of Fees
Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee
This fee will be used to purchase textbooks used for concurrent enrollment classes in the 9th and 10th grade.
Academic Support/Program Fee:
This fee will be used to purchase online curriculum (IXL), test prep materials, standardized assessments for grade level diagnosis, science fair entry costs, and science lab consumables.
Technology Fee:
This fee will be used to purchase chromebooks and online tutoring access.
Curricular Activities/ Field Trips:
This fee will be used to fund student science research conferences, student field trips for STEM activities, and bus costs for field trips.
*There are no textbook or academic support fees because 11th and 12th grade students will be purchasing collegiate textbooks at their own expense. Please be aware there may be collegiate course fees in selected classes for on campus Early College courses.
SUCCESS Academy Fees
SUCCESS Academy is proud to offer a fee-free educational experience for our students. The only optional fee we collect is for Chromebook insurance, available at the beginning of the school year and due by September. Please note that additional fees may apply at the student’s boundary school. For concurrent enrollment courses through SUU, while SUCCESS Academy covers tuition costs, some course-related fees may still apply.
Collegiate Course Costs (See below)
SUCCESS Academy students may be required to pay fees for concurrent enrollment, collegiate courses, or advanced placement courses taken at SUU or their boundary school. The portion of fees related specifically to college or post-secondary grades or credit is not subject to the fee waiver. Please contact your school counselor for more information.
Boundary High School Student Fees
Students will pay an activity fee to their boundary high school. This cost is approximately $25.00 to $35.00 dollars a year. In addition, some participation courses and extracurricular activities may require additional fees. These fees should be paid to the boundary high school. For a complete listing of boundary high school fees please visit the boundary school office.
Collegiate cost Disclosure
Students may incur additional costs when participating in collegiate courses. These costs associated with many collegiate classes are not eligible for fee waivers. Parents and students are encouraged to visit with their school counselor for additional information related to some of these costs. The following provides a general overview to help parents and students prepare for these additional costs. Please be aware that these associated costs may change from year to year.
1. Collegiate Admission Fee
SUU SUCCESS Academy students pay a one-time admissions application fee for concurrent enrollment courses i.e. $35.00 dollars Application for Admission to SUU fee.
2. Mandatory SB 284 Fee ($5.00 per credit hour)
Utah Senator Urquhart and Utah Representative Ipson passed SB 284. This bill requires students to pay a $5.00 dollar cost per collegiate credit hour to the higher education institution. Students may be dropped from their collegiate courses if this collegiate fee is not paid to the higher education institution each collegiate semester.
3. Collegiate Textbooks
Students in 10th grade may be required to purchase a limited number of course access cards and/or books. Students in 11th and 12th grade will purchase collegiate textbooks at their own expense.
4. Collegiate Student/Course Fees
Students in the 11th and 12th grade who take non-concurrent enrollment on-campus classes will pay collegiate course and student fees set by the higher education institution. Fees may be as high as $400 dollars or more. Please visit with your SUU SUCCESS Academy high school counselor to determine which of these fees you may be responsible for.
5. Potential Collegiate Tuition Costs
Some students (usually 12th grade Seniors) who wish to take on-campus non-concurrent enrollment classes may be charged collegiate course tuition costs. Please visit with your SUU SUCCESS Academy high school counselor to verify potential tuition costs.
6. Miscellaneous Collegiate Fees
There may be additional fees related to collegiate graduation, cap and gown costs, transcript costs, parking costs, and add/drop fees to name a few. Please be aware that SUU SUCCESS Academy students may be subject to many of these higher education expenses.
Fee Waiver Eligibility
All eligible high school fees may be waived for approved students according to Utah Administrative Code R277-407. Parents are encouraged to complete the fee waiver application and verification form. Please return this information to the SUCCESS Academy Registrar for eligibility. Costs for some collegiate courses, ACT assessments, yearbooks, class rings, letter jackets, school pictures, and other similar items are not school fees and are not eligible for fee waivers.
This list of high school fees has been approved by the SUCCESS Academy Board of Trustees. These fees are subject to change upon approval by the SUCCESS Academy Board of Trustees. (Adopted Sept. 27, 2004) (Revised February 22, 2012) (Revised February 25, 2013)